DREAMCATCHERS was created to welcome children with a variety of personal challenges and disabilities to engage in camp activities alongside their peers. This specialized program is directed by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst / MA Licensed Teacher, Liz Alberts and the following are its goals:
➢ To integrate camp related skills into a fun, learning environment where Dreamcatchers can experience successful outcomes and a growth in life skills.
➢ Campers are supervised by our professional director on an individual basis as to their specific abilities and objectives.
➢ Dreamcatchers participate in all of the camp activities to provide diverse encounters these campers may not have experienced with the aim of expanding their horizons.
➢ Structured days assist in focusing on skill acquisition, capitalizing on social opportunities and tons of enjoyment!
With personal and professional guidance each Dreamcatcher is able to set goals and accomplish them within this 2-week time frame. Skills are built upon with positive reinforcement, individual encouragement and a non-competitive atmosphere of trust.